originally published here, ELECTIONS and NEW PARTIES - WHAT DO YOU THINK?

 The above email was sent to Federal Election Commission panel about starting parties. After seeing all kinds of finger pointing, and with news about COVID deaths seen on every media outlet, I had sent this email to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

In this email, I forgot to ask about imposing term limits for political office. It would be nice to hear from Federal Election Commission (FEC) in this regard.  

 Please note that historically, most political/religious entities got split into two as the size increased, and opinions started differing. For that reason, I had asked the question about starting two parties right away. In this way, even if there were to be split later on, it could be done in a peaceful manner. Moreover, the two primary political entities mention the other one to be either far right or far left. By starting two parties, we can fill in the gap between these two, and cover the remaining majority of population.

If we were to connect far-right and far-left to normal distribution, and let us say, if they account for 32%  with 16% for far-left, and 16% for far-right assuming majority is occupying one sigma around the mean. Based on normal distribution , the two new parties can capture the in-between 68%, if not more. For that matter, the way things are happening now, we can even push the current two parties to be lying in two sigma or three sigma region. If that were the case,  the two new parties have the potential to capture a much larger population.

By Melikamp - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,
When it comes to the names for the new parties, as the objective of these two parties is to capture the in-between regions, and with population increasing to more than 330 million, I am positive that there are Republicans with Democratic mindset on some issues, and vice versa. For that reason, we would like to name the two new parties, Repocrat for those Democrats with Republican mindset on some issues, and Demublic for Republicans with Democratic mindset on some issues. What do you think about these two names?

Repocrat and Demublic