- https://www.alphr.com/mobile-
phones/1009513/phone- listening-apps-paranoid
- https://www.news.com.au/
technology/gadgets/how-google- is-secretly-recording-you- through-your-mobile- monitoring-millions-of- conversations/news-story/ 8089bf3084a430f4c4be46b81710c1 58
This is the continuation of our first article on this topic, where we presented how the modern day technology can place Einsteins and Ramanujans' at home, whereas unscrupulous and corrupt power-mongers stealing ideas and information from targeted individuals right from their homes (https://www.analyticspie.com/2020/07/paranoia-or-reality-planned-obsolescence.html). This is also the reason that our founder, Dr Srikanth S Kidambi, pointed out the dangers that could come out of misuse of new technological advancements in the article, "Blue Ocean, Red Ocean or a Desert with one tall building". Recent stories of various kinds of spywares and malwares targeted on journalists, and individuals is a great example that supports what was presented in those articles.
At the same time, smartphones and new technologies, as with any developments over the centuries, is a double-edged sword, which offers key advantages on various fronts. For example, our ecosystem has developed an application named, HiPost, which addresses key issues such as logging, water and air pollution to name a few with an easily implementable and meaningful solution.
To wrap up this discussion, we make a humble request to the key global law and order forces to come together to bring a change through technological advancements that would enable electing right leaders to hold power at various levels in every country out there, which would in turn would have a top-down effect on the growth and progress of a country.