This is why we have a section in our media site specifically titled, "World of Connections". We have many times cited the challenges that come with enforcing linearity to a non-linear, and an expanding universe.

It is also the reason that we have to be careful about simply looking at numbers, which is a rational way of looking at problems, while human emotions tend to be more irrational and a many-body problem. - Dr SSK

Originally shared by Joe Carter

Socio-Ecological Systems are a type of complex adaptive system with two primary subdomains; a human society with a social economy and a biological ecology with a biological economy which can be considered a singular interdependent unit. They're complex because they are made of many parts networked non linearly as a whole. They're adaptive because the parts change in response to internal and external perception. Together the system expresses and develops co-evolved adaptive properties over time. Socio-ecological systems are multidimensional in that they exist on many qualitatively different levels.

The ecological domain has basic geological processes like hydrocycle, mineral cycles, atmosphere, and various biological processes. The social domain has technology and industrial infrastructure, economic, social and cultural institutions. Inside the overall membrane of a socio-ecological system are diverse sub systems (organs) such as individuals, agricultural farms, metropolitan area, nation states, the whole global economy, and the supporting biosphere with all the associated behaviors that interact with the environment.